
My work depends on the support of people just like yourself.  I don't get a grant from a university, and I don't get sponsorship from Nike, not until I shape up and get my figure back.

The reason I need independent funding is that it's the only was I can do independent philosophy.  There are lines of inquiry that are being neglected.  Things like the core mechanics of human suffering, conflict and pain - my specialist area.


A philosophy that is deeply engaged with the essence of human conflict, and seeks ways to comprehend that to provide clear new lines of solution for real people, just like you, is something that is surprisingly rare.  A philosophy that seeks to open up new lines for revolutionary change is also rare.

I do the work I do because I see that there is a clear convergence between these two areas.  That the ways in which we are irrational are not random, that there are clear patterns that underlie it all.  These patterns are clues to what is really going on, and in understanding that, we can bring into focus the unity of the problems we face as people and as a world.

That the ongoing volatility of life, society and humanity is the same process whether it's personal or global, and can therefore be addressed in the same, single way.

This is the promise of philosophy, a promise I work to fulfill.  I showcase the work I do here on this blog, so you can see what kind of progress I've made, what kind of new angles I've already opened up, and make a decision about whether or not to support my work.

It only continues because some people, just like you, make that decision.

Subscribing means your comments on the blog will always get clear answers that are as extensive as time permits, whether they're on specific issues you have, ways to live life effectively, or larger concerns of global activism or what have you.  Or we can just shoot the breeze.  I love my work, I think it's vital someone does this, and if you support me in it, I will support you in whatever way I can.

A subscription is £25 a month.  That goes to cover living expenses only, so I can keep working to open this stuff up.


If you have any questions about this, with 'subscribe' in the subject field, and fire away.  Thanks for reading, and please do subscribe.  This doesn't happen unless it gets supported, and your subscription makes a huge difference.  A huge one.

Thanks for reading!